The Positive Neuroplasticity Training

The Science of Changing Your Brain for the Better

Beat the Brain's Negativity Bias and Fill Yourself with Calm Strength, Confidence, and Joy.
Learn Dr. Hanson's HEAL method to start feeling feel less stressed, worried, or hurt, and overcome challenges and heal old pain.
We want happiness that lasts, but the brain's negativity bias allows stress and worry to push aside the many positive experiences we have every day.
Join New York Times bestselling author and psychologist, Dr. Rick Hanson, for an experiential journey into lasting, positive brain change.
In a pilot study on these methods, people reported statistically significant increases in happiness, resilience, and love, and decreases in anxiety and depression – even months later.

A 6-Part Online Course to Learn How to:
• Meet your needs to feel safer, more satisfied, and more connected - and less stressed, hurt, and resentful
• Hardwire peace of mind, contentment, and self-compassion into your brain
• Identify your own challenges and pain points and grow specific inner strengths to overcome and heal them

Course curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    1. Class 1 Overview: The Essence of Positive Neuroplasticity

    2. Part 1: Welcome + Introduction

    3. Part 2: Practice - Challenges

    4. Part 3: Practice - Resources

    5. Part 4: Q&A - Challenges + Resources

    6. Part 5: Closing Comments on Challenges + Resources

    7. Part 6: A Taste of Taking in the Good

    8. Part 7: Practice - Taking in the Good with HEAL

    9. Part 8: Practice - Growing Inner Strengths

    10. Part 9: Learning - the Super Power of Super Powers

    11. Part 10: Practice - The Good Facts

    12. Part 11: Q&A - Anxiety about Installation

    13. Part 12: The Three Ways to Engage the Mind

    14. Part 13: Q&A - Negative Mental States

    15. Live Q&A - September 22

    1. Class 2 Overview: Having, Enriching, and Absorbing Beneficial Experiences

    2. Part 1: Elements of Experience

    3. Part 2: Having Beneficial Experiences

    4. Part 3: Q&A - Happiness, Suffering + The Hedonic Treadmill

    5. Part 4: Creating Beneficial Experiences

    6. Part 5: Q&A - Evoking a Beneficial Experience + Authenticity

    7. Part 6: Turning a Good Fact into a Good Experience

    8. Part 7: Practice - Creating a Beneficial Experience

    9. Part 8: Enriching Beneficial Experiences

    10. Part 9: Practice - Enriching an Experience

    11. Part 10: Absorbing Beneficial Experiences

    12. Part 11: Practice - Being for Yourself

    13. Part 12: Practice - Key Takeaways So Far

    14. Part 13: Q&A - Chronic Pain and Childhood Trauma

    15. Live Q&A - September 29

    1. Class 3 Overview: Linking Positive and Negative Material

    2. Part 1: Why it's Good to Take in the Good

    3. Part 2: Q&A - How to Avoid Clinging to Experiences and Aspire without Attachment

    4. Part 3: Practice - Centering in Safety, Satisfaction, and Connection

    5. Part 4: Q&A - Growing + Using Resources, Handling Threats

    6. Part 5: Key Resource Experiences

    7. Part 6: The Responsive + Reactive Modes

    8. Part 7: Your Vitamin C + The Triune Brain

    9. Part 8: Q&A - Applying Meditation to Daily Life

    10. Part 9: Linking Positive + Negative Experiences

    11. Part 10: Q&A - Working with Hijacking

    12. Part 11: Practice - HEAL

    13. Part 12: Q&A - How Does Memory Work, and How Do We Change What We've Learned?

    14. Live Q&A - October 6

    1. Class 4 Overview: Growing Strengths for Safety

    2. Part 1: Practice - What do You Want to Take Home from this Program?

    3. Part 2: Q&A - Practicing, Cultivation, + Suicidal Ideation

    4. Part 3: Self-Compassion

    5. Part 4: Practice - Self-Compassion

    6. Part 5: Q&A - Hypnosis, Accessing Resources When You're Hijacked

    7. Part 6: Fear

    8. Part 7: Practice - Feeling Protected

    9. Part 8: Practice - Letting Go of Needless Anxiety

    10. Part 9: First and Second Darts

    11. Part 10: Q&A - Installation and Savoring

    12. Part 11: Q&A - Feeling Cared About + Risking the Dreaded Experiences

    13. Part 12: Q&A - Dealing with Hurting Others

    14. Part 13: Practice - Dealing with Safety Issues Responsively

    15. Part 14: Getting Hijacked by Negative Material

    16. Live Q&A - October 13

    1. Class 5 Overview: Growing Strengths for Satisfaction

    2. Part 1: Introduction to Strengths for Satisfaction

    3. Part 2: Practice - Accomplishments

    4. Part 3: Practice - Feelings of Accomplishment

    5. Part 4: Practice - Recognizing Beauty

    6. Part 5: The R.A.I.N. Practice

    7. Part 6: Liking and Wanting

    8. Part 7: Aspiring without Attachment

    9. Part 8: Encouraging Motivation

    10. Part 9: Practice - Encouraging Motivation

    11. Part 10: Q&A - Enjoying Accomplishments, Playfulness, and Inhibitions

    12. Part 11: Practice - Responsive Approaches to Opportunity and Loss

    13. Part 12: Resources for Aspiring without Attachment

    14. Part 13: Practice - Resources for Risking the Dreaded Experience

    15. Part 14: Q&A - Internalizing Permission

    16. Live Q&A - October 22, 2020

About this course

  • $399.00
  • 88 lessons
  • 20 hours of video content