
What is it like to feel already full? To be undisturbed and undefended as each moment passes through you?

Deep down, we already are who we long to be. But it’s often covered over with fears and regrets, and daily distractions and stresses.
In this online program with Dr. Rick Hanson, you will experience and develop seven qualities at the heart of the highest happiness – and live from them more deeply and continuously.
You’ll learn from both ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience, engaging your brain and body as you explore the upper reaches of human potential.
You’ll get ideas and methods to be more present, have compassion for yourself and others, rest in a calm and grateful confidence, feel whole, and know your interconnectedness with everything.
This is a path of coming home to an increasingly profound sense of inner freedom, sweet joy, radiant heart, and sublime peace.

Course curriculum

    1. Overview of the Path

    2. Introduction Video from Rick

    3. Getting Started: Introduction and Roadmap

    4. Kick-Off Call Recording

    1. Steadying the Mind: Overview

    2. Part 1 Talk: Practicing with the Mind

    3. Part 1 Meditation: Five Factors of Steadiness of Mind

    4. Part 1 Deeper Dive

    5. Part 1 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    6. Part 2 Talk: Benevolence Toward Yourself

    7. Part 2 Meditation: Self-Compassion

    8. Part 2 Deeper Dive

    9. Part 2 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    10. May 24 Live Q&A Recording

    11. BONUS Lightning-Round Q&A

    1. Warming the Heart: Overview

    2. Part 1 Talk: Practicing with a Warm Heart

    3. Part 1 Meditation: Compassion and Kindness

    4. Part 1 Deeper Dive

    5. Part 1 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    6. Part 2 Talk: Our Social Brain

    7. Part 2 Meditation: Expanding the Circle of "Us"

    8. Part 2 Deeper Dive

    9. Part 2 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    1. Resting in Fullness: Overview

    2. Part 1 Talk: Embodied Causes of Craving

    3. Part 1 Meditation: Peace, Contentment, Love

    4. Part 1 Deeper Dive

    5. Part 1 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    6. Part 2 Talk: The Five Hindrances

    7. Part 2 Meditation: Unhindered

    8. Part 2 Deeper Dive

    9. Part 2 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    10. July 16, 2019 Q&A Recording

    11. June 9, 2020 Q&A Recording

    1. Being Wholeness: Overview

    2. Part 1 Talk: Experiencing Wholeness

    3. Part 1 Meditation: Abiding Undivided

    4. Part 1 Deeper Dive

    5. Part 1 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    6. Part 2 Talk: Finding Refuge

    7. Part 2 Meditation: Being in Refuge

    8. Part 2 Deeper Dive

    9. Part 2 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    1. Receiving Nowness: Overview

    2. Part 1 Talk: Being Here Now

    3. Part 1 Meditation: At the Front Edge of Now

    4. Part 1 Deeper Dive

    5. Part 1 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    6. Part 2 Talk: Accepting Impermanence

    7. Part 2 Meditation: Eddies in the Stream

    8. Part 2 Deeper Dive

    9. Part 2 Key Points, Handout + Downloads

    10. July 30 Q&A Recording

About this course

  • $399.00
  • 91 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content